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'AITA for letting my kids loot my brother's house to prove my point?'

'AITA for letting my kids loot my brother's house to prove my point?'


"AITA for letting my kids loot my brother's house to prove my point?"

My brother and his family came for a visit last month. My kids and I play with lego and we have fun leaving little dioramas around my house. Just silly stuff like a fight between Ironman and Darth Vader on the loot llama. It's just our way of leaving Easter eggs around the house.

My nephew really liked them and decided to take a few home. When we noticed they were missing I asked my brother to bring them back. He said that it was just kids being kids and that he would them back the next time we saw each other.

I saw him for coffee and I reminded him beforehand that I wanted all our stuff back. He "forgot" to bring the "toys". Okay. Game on.

We went over to his place for a BBQ. I told my kids that unless all our stuff was returned to us when we got there literally anything in the house was fair game. Like the godless barbarians they are they went to town. When we left I don't think there were any remotes, small electronics, or beer mugs left at his house. I actually had to sneak the dog back into the house before we left.

I started getting calls on our way home. I ignored them. When I got home I returned his calls. He said a bunch of stuff was missing from his house. I said I would check with the kids. He said that I f%&#$^g well knew what happened and that he wanted his shit back. I said I would box it up and return it the next time we saw eack other. As long as we got our lego back.

He was at my house with my Lego later that evening. He had even accidentally included stuff that wasn't ours. I returned it and his stuff. I told him that this is how we would be dealing with his kid in the future.

He is pissed off that he had to make a special trip to return my stuff. My parents think that there is a huge difference between an eight year old taking Lego minifigures and a couple of teenagers pillaging their uncle's house. AITA?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA. Wouldn't have to go that far if he just gave you your stuff back.

Thing is, until the Great Pillaging, the brother had no intention of returning the stuff. It was going to be 'I forgot' a few more times until it was 'Little billy is really attatched to the toys and teenagers shouldn't be playing with legos. This was a good, proportionate response.

You’re the a^%$&le in the most endearing, passive aggressive, sibling rivalry sort of way. Shots are fired now, so I’d be on the lookout for your brother. Wonder what your wives say about all this.

OP responded:

Sadly my wife passed away several years ago. My sister-in-law thinks I walk on water for being a single dad devoted my kids. But she thought that the dognapping was a step too far. In my kids defense Wingardium Treviosah is an awesome dog.

Umm it’s trevi o sah not trevi o saaah.

YES!!!!!!! His wife and mine were huge Harry Potter fans. She named the pup that so when she told people the name and they said Wingardium Leviosah she could correct them like that.

Wingardium Treviosah !!!!!!

OP responded:

His wife named her that so she could correct people when they said "it's wingardium leviosah"

This is why I love these posts. What a great story. I love that the kids understood the assignment. Maybe this will teach the nephew to not take things that aren't his. Kid sounds like a spoiled brat.

OP responded:

He's okay. I love him to death. My brother is kind of a pri#ck though. Whom I would die for. My kids are 14 and 17. They understood the assignment.

Yes YTA you didnt prove anything except youre more petty.

OP responded:

We got our stuff back.

NTA. I would not have your brother and his child over again or if you do tell his child that taking things that do not belong to them is wrong and if it happens again they will not be invited over.

OP responded:

Next time I keep the dog.

NTA. FAFO at its finest. I’m impressed that they managed to get the dog out unnoticed 🤣 (but also glad you returned Rover).

OP responded:

Her name is Wingardium Treviosah and she is a pug Yorkie cross. Easy to smuggle.

ESH. Are there any adults in your family other than your parents??

OP responded:

My sister-in-law is pretty mature. Except for her love of Harry Potter.

ESH. Both sides are a%^@oles here. Seems like there was opportunity to care for your brother's a*!#olery in a less petty manner before you turned the dial to eleven.

OP responded:

Disproportionate revenge is better.

YTA. Took this too far.

OP responded:


I want my 3 minutes back

OP responded:

Me and my kids can come over for a BBQ to return them if you like.

Soft YTA. This was petty behavior on your part. This is not how adults resolve issues with each-other, this is how children behave.

OP responded:

I can't argue with facts. I am childish.

You re absolutely the a$% here. This reads like a child screaming "He did it first." Grow up.

OP responded:


You're also a bad parent who reinforced theft as a valid response.

OP responded:

Asymmetrical warfare. Not theft.

Sources: Reddit
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